If I was a newsday then today I would have been slow.
This is Tara with some blackberries which she and Laura picked out in the woods
On our way to the meeting
I have been like the weather, kinda cloudy.
The day has passed by quickly without much happening.
Our main event was that we were heading to Target.
We went there at 2 only to find out they changed the schedule to an hour later instead.
While waiting we went to one of the fresher fairs by the main entrance, where the non-international students had begun to arrive.
We got some free bags and cookies, which were so incredibly soft and chewy, and we took some Humboldt proud photos.
Target was a good place to get a lot of stuff which you may need.
Unfortunately I am still on the low-side when it comes to cash, so I had to restrict myself to only buying the bare necessities.
This pillow was one of them - 14 dollars and completely worth it.
I will take some pictures of it later
Once we came home we went to a meeting which promised us free tshirts.
We got some cute blue ones which says Creekview, the name of the area we live at.
They were really nice, a bit sour but so fresh.
On our way to the meeting
I love the nature here
Tomorrow will be a more interesting blogday, we are heading out in the woods and I think we will see quite a few animals native to here
Looking forward to it!